Looking for an instant answer to a question?

Please see below some of the most commonly asked question. It is always most convenient when you have answers to your questions readily available hence making this support available to our users. Please note this list may be updated on a regular basis.

  • How long after being referred will I be offered a place?

    Following your initial referral, we shall analyse your application and decide whether our service is suitable for you. In the event that your placement is provisionally approved, we shall organise a face-to-face meeting with yourself and preferably the individual that has originally referred you.

  • Which areas will I get help with

    Upon your arrival and following the completion of an assessment our primary object shall be to establish the areas in which you would require help. This initial stage is executed more successfully with the additional input of the person referring you. The aims and objectives of this primary stage is to focus on a plan that would successfully aid in your preparation for future independent living. Examples of such areas are:

    Budgeting, food shopping, enrolling onto academic courses, seeking employment, managing health needs, registering with a GP/dental practice, sexual health, daily upkeep of your home ensuring it is clean and safe, positive activities, hobbies and interests, socialising, relationships, working on self-esteem, emotional well-being, confidence, attending appointments, developing routines.

  • What will I have to pay?

    Each young person will be required to pay a contribution fee of £15.00 per week which shall cover rent, electricity and water rates. This fee can be paid directly from your allowances to Headway Housing by your Local Authority subject to your assessed needs.

  • Am I allowed to have visitors?

    No, visitors are not allowed in your flat or any part of the building at any time. The only exception to this is professionals working with you or where appropriate, adult family members attending meetings and reviews that have been pre-arranged.

  • Do I have a say in how I am being supported or the way in which the project is run?

    We use a system called the outcomes star. The young person’s star is a tool to help both you and the service supporting you to understand your life, strengths, goals and other areas you as an individual would require to live independently.

    Additionally we shall also consult you through key-work sessions you have with your allocated worker i.e. regular residents meeting and via satisfaction/feedback surveys.

  • Is there a set time I must be home and accounted for?

    All young people are expected to be back in the building by 11pm unless there are mutually agreed alternative arrangements with your social worker or personal advisor. It is imperative we are aware of your whereabouts and are accessible by phone at all times. Should there be a sudden change of circumstance attributing to your lateness, you need to contact us with immediate effect. If you are unaccounted for by the expected time and we are unaware of your status, we may need to resort to reporting you as a missing person or classifying you as an unauthorised absence.

  • What do I do if I am being bullied or if I want to make a complaint?

    We operate a zero tolerance to all forms of bullying. If you experience any kind of bullying, harassment or discrimination please talk to a member of staff with immediate effect. We take such reports very seriously and ensure all are handled with an effective outcome whilst maintaining sensitivity.

Should you feel uncomfortable in talking to any member of staff at the project please try to talk to someone you have great trust in such as your social worker, personal advisor or advocate.

    In order to ensure safety, we have adopted a comprehensive complaints procedure with documentation readily available. Our focus is to always deal with complaints of any nature appropriate, sensitively and in a timely manner.

  • How long can I stay?

    The accommodation and support is intended for young people who are between the ages of 16 and 24. We shall work very closely with you and your social worker/personal advisor etc to support the process of moving you on to more independent alternative accommodation in line with your support/care plan when we feel you are adaptable to such change or have reached the age threshold of 24.
